
https://www.kamponavi.com/med/s_s090.html 【辛夷(シンイ) モクレン科】より

使用部位 タムシバ、コブシ、モクレンなどの花のつぼみを乾燥させたもの。

特徴 モクレン科の高木で、白い花をつけます。

作用 鼻の通りをよくする作用があり、さらに、鼻水・くしゃみなどにも効果的。また、発汗作用もあり、風邪による頭痛を改善します。

メモ 辛夷はコブシとも読むことができます。生薬としても使われるつぼみが、握りこぶしに似ているため、その名がついたといわれます。昔は、花が咲く向きで農作物の出来を占ったそうです。


友人の皆さん、Dear friends,

前回に引き続き近況です。Continuing from the last issue, here is an update on my recent situation.

昨日4月28日に予定通り入院しました。胃がんと胃の外側にある消化管間質腫瘍(ジスト)の切除のための入院です。(English text follws)

























Dear friends.

Continuing from the last issue, here is an update on my recent situation.

Yesterday, April 28, I was hospitalized as scheduled. The hospitalization is for resection of gastric cancer and a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) on the outside of the stomach.

Normally, I would have been admitted the day before the surgery, but because the surgery happens to be on the day between two consecutive holidays, I was admitted before the first consecutive one.

The hospital is comfortable to stay in, the food is surprisingly good, and the staff is kind and alive. Overall, I`m having a very good stay here.

Several friends have given me flower essences and pomanders, etc. and I am trying them out little by little.

I talked to the doctor yesterday, and he said that the surgery will start at 9:00 a.m. and last until the evening, which I think can be about 8 or 9 hours long.

It's a long time, but according to the doctor, I'm at a stage where there is a good chance of recovery.

He says it will be a major surgery because the GIST is large (over 10 cm in diameter) and the stomach cancer is also there to be removed. Since these two are in the stomach, it seems almost certain they will take the entire stomach out. But still, in the operation, he will try to see if it is at all possible to leave a small portion of the upper part of the stomach (at the fundoplication area).

My other concern is that the GIST and the spleen are closely located, so if there is a vascular connection from the spleen, he will have to remove the whole spleen as well.

The spleen has a lot to do with the immune system, so I have asked the people who are healing me energetically now to try to get these two apart.

It has been almost 4 months since I got diagnosed with the cancer and the GIST in January.

I was scheduled for surgery at another hospital in early March, but with the cancellation I made, I had to wait another two months.

However, in the meantime, I have tried various alternative therapies, been helped by many people, and read various books, and I feel that I have gradually come from being a very beginner about cancer to a place where I started to see it as something that sheds light into my deeper issues.

On the physical level, I feel the surgery is inevitable.

However, I believe that tumors such as cancer and GIST can be said to be the shadows that I have denied in my psyche that have taken shape in my physical body.

That is what I believe is my challenge from now on.

Whether or not I can get in touch with, love, accept, and integrate the shadows that really needed to have been lived as part of me will determine the meaning of the rest of my life.

You are kind enough to read this writing, but you are doing it partly because we have met in a certain way that made you feel like so.

I thank you and thank the way we met.

I also thank you for the love and healing you have sent me.

On May 2nd, the love and healing energy you will send my way will do a great deal to help me through the surgery (I have heard considerable number of my friends have been helped by that.).

I believe that the energy of love transcends time and space.

The hospital is the Osaka International Cancer Center near Osaka Castle. The surgery is scheduled for May 2, from 9:00 a.m. until the evening Japan time.

Thank you all for your love and support.

Tosho (Yoshito Ichiba)



吾であり宇宙である☆和して同せず  競争でなく共生を☆


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