
https://www.city.ohtawara.tochigi.jp/docs/2013082766113/  【蛇尾川(さびがわ)】より







勇は  暴力を振るい、

親は  仲間外れにし、

愛は  無視し、

智は  馬鹿にする。










【あなたの個性は? 四魂の窓のテクノロジー】より



人の個性は、4つの本質の組み合わせから成り立っています。その4つとは、「勇 ゆう」「親 しん」「愛 あい」「智 ち」であり、人それぞれ4つの強さが異なっています。






Windows of the Four soul - What is your personality?

Through the Windows of the four soul, you will get to know your value in your lifelong, behavioral tendencies, and mission you desire to accomplish in your lifelong. You can use it for your workplace, family, romance, team building, marketing.

In addition to one-on-one relationships such as coaching and counseling, it is effective for a large group of people including sales training.

Personality of a person is made up of a combination of four souls. The four are “Courage”, “Harmony”, “Love”, and “Wisdom”, each person has four souls in different strengths.

With two questions, you can see which of the four souls you are viewing the world with in everyday life.

Who are you looking through from that window? What kind of soul do you have?

A simple diagnostic method that lets you know about it and a means of using it for everyday are “four soul windows”. Based on the diagnosis, manipulate these four souls freely, free from trouble of searching for yourself and barren relationships, let us complete the soul mission.

Now let’s diagnose you!









Question 1. "Are you passionate or calm?"

You may say “both exist!” In that case, please think about which is stronger.

Let’s go to the next question once an answer comes to your mind.


合理的というのは、物事を割り切って考える傾向です。情緒的とは、情の深い傾向を意味しています。さて、あなたの答えは ?








Question 2. "Are you rational or sympathetic?"

“Rational” is the tendency to divide things into thinking. “Sympathetic” means a compassionate tendency.

Well, what is your answer?

By multiplying the two answers, the following “four soul windows” is completed. In the above two questions, if you apply your answer to this figure, you should be classified as either “Courage”, “Harmony”, “Love”, “Wisdom”.

For example, if you are “calm” and “rational”. You are a person of “Wisdom”. if you are “passionate” and “rational”, you are “Courage”. If you are “calm” and “sympathetic”, you are a “harmony” person. if you are “passionate” and “sympathetic”, you are a person of “love”.

Well, were you “Courage”, “Harmony”, “Wisdom”, or “Love”?

Of course, we have all four souls. Which of them can be said to be the base? First of all, I want you to keep it in mind.

As soon as you can do that, you can now see two souls for a person at the same time, such as “You are a man of courage and love strong?” Or “You look like Wisdom but are not hiding Love?”.

It is meaningless to understand with the head. Repeat practice is necessary until you can hit the ball naturally with tennis.

The simple features of each four souls are as follows.



1. "Courage" based person

The soul that has the strongest influence on your heart is “Courage”, it is very active. Will not your friends tell you, “You do not listen to my talk” or “You don’t explain what you do”? It is important to act anyway: The idea of trying first should be strong. At its root, there is a strong will to do anything to accomplish anything. And I think that I frequently use words such as dreams, accomplishments, challenges, and possibilities.



2. "Harmony" based person

The soul that has the strongest influence on your heart is “Harmony”. You honor the spirit of harmony very much. It is most important to play a role for everyone in the group. Do not you tell a friend that you do not have a grab or are not sure what you are thinking? Always thinking about peace and harmony of the group, it is strong that the idea that “I do not want to make a wave” and “I do not want to bother everyone” is strong according to everyone. Therefore, you will always take balance or timing. At its root, there is a strong will for the peace of our peers, for everyone better than myself.


あなたの心に強く影響を与えている魂は「愛で、感情や思いやりを大切にします。お互いに分かり合えることが最も大切です。あなたは「話が長い」とか「前置きが長い」「気を使いすぎる」と言われないでしょうか? あるいは、あまり話さなくても結果的にあなたのことで、相手にたくさんの時間を使わせていないでしょうか。あなたには人を理解したいし、自分も理解されたいという強い思いがあります。その根底には、相手に何かしてあげたい、相手を傷つけたくない、という思いやりがあるのです。

3. "Love" based person

The soul that strongly influences your heart is “love”. You cherish your emotions and compassion. It is most important to understand each other’s mind, especially emotion. Are not you told that “the story is long” or “the preamble is long” or “do not care too much”? Or, even if you do not talk much, you are convinced yourself as a result, have not you been spent a lot of time on your opponent? You want to understand people and have a strong desire to be understood by others. At its root, there is compassion that you want to do something for your people whom you love. Also, you do not want to hurt your people.


あなたの心に強く影響を与えている魂は、「智」で、好奇心があり知的な面白いことや美しいものが大好きです。ものごとの真理や興味を探究することが最も大切です。あなたは、友達から「冷たい」とか「マイペース」と言われないでしょうか? よく考えて、無駄なことをしたくないという強い考えがあります。「こうしたらよいのに。ああすればよいのに」と、人の話や行動を見てあなたは評価していませんか。その根底には、価値あるものを求めたい、美しいものを求めたいという真理を探究する思いがあり、世界を評価的に見てしまうのです。

4. "Wisdom" based person

The soul that has a strong influence on your heart is “Wisdom”, You are curious and love interesting things, intelligent things, and beautiful things. It is most important to explore the truth and interests of things. Would someone say, “You are cold for persons” or “You are on your pace?” There is a strong idea that think carefully and you don’t want useless time or things. Do not you evaluate by observing what they do, saying to yourself, “You shouldn’t do that.” or “If I were you, I would do this.” At its root, there is a desire to explore the truth, to seek for beauty, and so see the world on an evaluation basis.





"Four soul windows" as a meta-cognition technology

Which window you see the world is up to you. How to see the world, the world is the area of recognition. What would you do if you could freely see the world through these four windows?

It is the ultimate goal of this “four soul windows” to have “meta cognition” that can freely control these four souls. The steps for that can be divided into five stages: emotional level, reason level, nature level, world mental level, sky level.

We are coming back and forth from very lower level recognition to very high level recognition. In Super Cognitive Psychology, courses that control the levels of consciousness levels freely are offered.


吾であり宇宙である☆和して同せず  競争でなく共生を☆


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